Company introduction
Products and solutions for technical education
In collaboration with our customers, we imagine, design and manufacture educational products and solutions that contribute to the training of tomorrow's technicians and engineers.
Special machines & Robotization
We provide manufacturers with tailor-made solutions for the competitiveness and modernization of their production line.
An alliance to move forward!
Since the start of the 2018 school year, BEMA and ALIRA have continued a common trajectory with the ASTRIANE company, to become a group in their own right. The union of the 3 structures makes it possible to optimize all resources, increase our development capacity and offer you better service by cooperating closely with our partners to follow the path to success together.

ASTRIANE ALIRA BEMA s’engagent avec la RSE
Le savoir-faire de nos entreprises est dédié à la promotion des
enseignements technologiques.
À travers nos gammes d’équipements - 'Smart City', 'Usine 4.0'
et autres systèmes axés sur les Energies renouvelables - nous
jouons un rôle majeur et gratifiant dans une ‘révolution verte’ qui
métamorphose progressivement notre société.