
Plastic injection moulding system

The injection moulding machine produces thermoplastic parts of different materials and shapes, depending on the moulds mounted on the machine. The plastic granules are manually placed in the mould and then pushed into the heating chamber (pneumatic circuit).

The melting of the granules (thermal control) allows the injection after the mould is closed (hydraulic circuit). The molten material fills the mould (hydraulic circuit). The opening of the mould allows for automatic ejection and debottlenecking (hydraulic circuit), with evacuation of the parts into a recovery chute.

The EcolInject system is a station in our EcolPlast production line.

Concept(s) associé(s)

Concept image


Plastic injection moulding system

<p style="text-align:justify">The injection moulding machine produces thermoplastic parts of different materials and shapes, depending on the moulds mounted on the machine. The plastic granules are manually placed in the mould and then pushed into the heating chamber (pneumatic circuit).</p> <p style="text-align:justify">The melting of the granules (thermal control) allows the injection after the mould is closed (hydraulic circuit). The molten material fills the mould (hydraulic circuit). The opening of the mould allows for automatic ejection and debottlenecking (hydraulic circuit), with evacuation of the parts into a recovery chute.</p> <p style="text-align:justify">The EcolInject system is a station in our EcolPlast production line.</p>