Ecolcafé - control, weighing and sorting station for coffee capsules
Ecolcafé - Control, weighing and sorting station for coffee capsules
The EcolCafé coffee pod control, weighing and sorting system allows the weight control of "Nespresso" type pods.
The pods are received at the exit of the Easycup coffee machine or directly by the operator, on 2 inclined rails. An optical fork allows the detection of the pod at the end of the rail. An optical fork allows the detection of the pods at the end of the rail. An accumulation of pods is possible on the rails.
A bellows suction cup, mounted on a single-acting pneumatic cylinder with a 5cm stroke, is mounted on a horizontal linear axis equipped with a Brushless gear motor. This brushless motor is controlled by a Lexium 32 servo drive on a Can-open bus.
A control station in the middle of the machine is equipped with an electronic scale, connected to the M241 PLC. It allows to obtain the weight of the coffee pod. A "red" spout bin is used to receive the non-conforming pods. The pods are sent to two disposal areas according to the colour or weight of the capsule (Good/Acceptable - Customer A / Customer B).
Concept(s) associé(s)
Production line 4.0, connected, integrated in a connected company.
<p style="text-align:justify">Industry 4.0 brings many benefits in terms of productivity and quality by transforming the factory into a global, interconnected system, in which the various systems communicate permanently.<br /> Maintenance has also undergone a profound transformation.<br /> At the heart of "Connected Production Systems Maintenance", curative, preventive and predictive maintenance are based on diagnostic tools assisted by digital technologies.<br /> Virtual reality is used to train technicians before they go on site, while augmented reality assists them in maintenance operations, where the operator equipped with 3D glasses is guided in real time by an avatar and has real-time access to data from the information systems.</p> <p style="text-align:justify">Advantage of this concept:<br /> An original pedagogy around 4.0 technologies within an evolving concept, based on a real production<br /> Respect for the environment through the use of recyclable consumables made of corn starch for local roaster production<br /> A system that is self-financing thanks to the internal consumption of coffee in the establishments</p>